COIL and BIP design course
COIL and BIP Design is a 3-session course for teachers and their international partners to design their online collaboration project. The following topics are facilitated:
- Internationalising your learning outcomes for online collaboration
- Icebreakers and the importance of online social presence – Collaborative activities
- Reflection of the intercultural learning process
- Assessment and evaluation of student learning
- Choosing the educational technology to support your design
- Getting students ready for COIL
- Facilitating a COIL as international colleagues
- BIP: designing complementary online and on-site activities
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the workshop, the participants will:
- be able to internationalise their learning outcomes and develop aligned assessment for student learning
- be able to develop and facilitate online, international collaborative activities and choose the appropriate technology
- be able to prepare their students for the experience and address motivation for intercultural collaboration
- have a completed COIL Project Plan that describes their project and is ready for implementation
- (specific to BIP) have decided how the online engagement and the on-site activities complement each other and support the project learning objectives
Practical info: this course consists of 3 sessions of 2 hours each: 28/05 – 4/06 – 11/06
Trainer: Eva Haug (Amsterdam UAS)