
HOGENT student calls for creation of U!REKA student board

Roxanne Van de Voorde is chair of the HOGENT student council Revolte and about to graduate with a Bachelor's degree in supply chain management. During the U!REKA Connects 2023 networking event she was one of the speakers during the plenary opening, calling for the creation of a U!REKA student board.
ureka event photo

Roxanne Van de Voorde is chair of the HOGENT student council Revolte and about to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in supply chain management. During the U!REKA Connects 2023 networking event she was one of the speakers during the plenary opening, calling for the creation of a U!REKA student board.

'Not a synonym for complaining students'

Student participation is not synonymous with complaining students who constantly want to express their opinions, says Roxanne. She is pushing for the creation of a U!REKA student council. “That can be the platform in which we challenge ourselves and come up with solutions to the obstacles on our way in these fast-evolving times.”

According to Roxanne, student participation helps students to develop the skills you need as a European professional, including leadership, critical thinking, social understanding, intercultural collaboration, inclusion and commitment.

“By encouraging students to participate in the functioning and decision-making process of the U!REKA organisation, you give them the opportunity to build a sustainable network with their peers and other professionals,” she stresses. “The U!REKA student council will not only increase involvement, but also the quality of the U!REKA network. And thus it will improve the quality of education, and consequently the future-proof European professionals who will help shape society tomorrow.”

This article was originally published on the HOGENT website.