
Sustainability as a strategic focus at IPL

Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL), one of 7 U!REKA´s network members, takes an active role in the transmission of good practices in the field of sustainability, following a development model based on scientific and technological innovation, artistic creation and cooperation with society. The institution is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.
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Over the last few years, IPL has been promoting several initiatives at various levels, namely through the constitution of a working group – Eco IPL, that promotes synergies among IPL’s 8 schools, allowing to develop collaborative actions that involves the entire academic community.

Of the various key actions implemented in IPL, it is worth highlighting the two editions of the MOOC dedicated to Environmental Sustainability with a total of 4 331 participants. The main goal of the free course aimed at those who want to learn more about environmental sustainability, is to deepen issues related to waste, water, energy, air and noise. Throughout strategic partnerships with several organizations it has been possible to encourage recycling and tap water consumption within the academic community.

Politécnico de Lisboa has also invested in themed weeks dedicated to waste prevention, as part of a global initiative that encourages Europeans to develop awareness on sustainable resources and waste management.

At the same time, the bet on themed weeks such as the one dedicated to the prevention of Waste, entered into a global initiative dedicated to encouraging Europeans to develop awareness raising actions on sustainable resources and waste management.

In the area of mobility, Politécnico de Lisboa, through government funding has made available several charging stations for electric vehicles that aim to foster the use of electric vehicles by the academic community, and complements the supply of public charging network in Lisbon.