
U!REKA hosts panel at the European Week of Regions and Cities

Experts from U!REKA institutions and the Secretary of State for European Affairs from the German State of Hessen discussed the role of urban universities in contributing to the sustainable and green recovery of cities.

The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) was honoured to host presentations and a panel discussion on the role of urban universities and sustainability, as a side event of the European Week of Region and Cities. The online event was organised on the afternoon of 3 November 2021.

Following an introduction from the Vice-President for Research and Further Education at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Prof Martina Klärle, the audience heard from a panel of U!REKA experts covering a wide variety of research areas. These included the use of geoinformatics to map crime and safety in cities, the adaptation of architecture, the built environment and infrastructure to new urban challenges – including how we heat, cool and sustainability power our cities – this research showcase demonstrated the importance of impactful urban research from universities of applied sciences.

Joining the panel of U!REKA experts was the Secretary of State for European Affairs from the State of Hessen, Mr Mark Weinmeister, who provided insights on the mission-led research agenda of the European Union and some of the priorities around sustainability, such as public transport, of the State.

Panel members

Our expert panel during the session included:

Igor Ivan, Associate Professor in Geoinformatics and Vice-Rector for commercialisation and cooperation with Industry, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava

Tatjana Vautz, Professor of Design and Building Construction, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences,

Jeroen Kluck, Professor in Urban Water Management, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Antti Tohka, Principal Lecturer in Sustainability, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki

Mark Weinmeister, Secretary of State for European Affairs of the State of Hessen.

Thomas Feige, Policy Adviser at Edinburgh Napier University, moderated the event.

A prelude to U!REKA Connects

This event was a very fitting prelude to the U!REKA Connects event, the 6th annual U!REKA networking conference, taking place at HOGENT University of Applied Sciences on the 22nd and 23rd November 2021.

This conference will see academic and professional services staff from the 7 U!REKA partners unite for two days to discuss how we can further collaborate – including co-creating with our students and stakeholders – in learning, teaching and research to deliver the skills of the professionals of tomorrow and delivering impact for our cities.


The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) is a consortium of European universities of applied sciences in Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Ghent, Helsinki, Ostrava and Lisbon. We collaborate in various ways to educate, shape and empower the European professionals of tomorrow.