First public U!REKA EduForum

The initial aim of the U!REKA Educational Forums that are taking place on a regular basis is to develop a Joint Educational Framework for all partners, based on our common vision and shared values to educate students and stakeholders in order to accelerate the sustainable, human, inclusive and future proof transition to Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.
After a first Educational Forum held in May 2024 on the premises of our Czech partner, VSB-TUO in Ostrava, and an internal forum in the summer, this time we offered a public online conference to allow for a broader audience to receive updates on ongoing education-related projects within U!REKA European University, to discuss new initiatives and to share both personal expertise as well as good and best practices.
The event started with a brief overview of U!REKA and the education-related milestones within our European University Alliance, focusing on the development of a framework to enhance the pedagogical competences of our teaching staff to offer challenge-based and collaborative education: everyone is invited to contribute to the quality standards within our alliance, and more importantly, to offer excellent education accordingly, by jointly building and following the U!REKA educational framework. An additional driver for education within European University Alliances is the idea of a European degree, as promoted by the European Commission, and the way towards that goal, policies that form an integral part of the framework as well.
After this general introduction, the focus of the conference moved to its practical implementation in different areas of expertise:
- The U!REKA staff training program, referred to as the Change Drivers Program, was introduced to the audience. The programme intends to enhance our staff’s knowledge and skills in sustainability, digital education, and our joint educational framework. It is also an environment in which our staff will receive training on how to implement the U!REKA values, and not least important have the chance to get in contact with counterparts and peers at the other U!REKA institutions for a closer and better aligned collaboration and exchange of good practices.
- A session led by the expert on Internationalization at Home, Eva Haug from Amsterdam UAS, provided teaching staff with theoretical and practical insights on online education activities, following specifically the question on how to make online training meaningful and engaging. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) forms an important part of an inclusive and sustainable intercultural training and networking opportunity for the student body and is therefore closely linked to the values of U!REKA European University.
- Online inter-university tools and platforms are required to facilitate international learning and collaboration. High importance has therefore been given within U!REKA to the quick development of an online learning environment, the so-called Inclusive & Connected Campus, for students and lifelong learners to access existing and also new jointly developed courses to benefit from physical, blended and virtual learning mobility opportunities that allow them to become professionals who accelerate the green and digital transitions. The presented status quo provided the participants of the Forum with a glimpse of where we stand and how one may contribute to the further development of the campus. In addition, a virtual networking platform for teachers and researchers was presented, where educators can share their ideas, needs and quests for partners and experts from U!REKA universities.
- Finally, to enhance the visibility of U!REKA European University on all campuses of our alliance, as well as to provide focus time for joint education, options to coordinate international U!REKA weeks at all partner institutions were elaborated, but also the constraints, such as unaligned semester dates discussed.
A long day, filled with informative insights, engaging discussions, and interactive workshops, provided all participants with food for thought and many new ideas on how to jointly contribute to the European Education Area.
The online Educational Forum was recorded. Please contact us if you are interested. The next Educational Forum will take place in Spring 2025. We will inform you in good time about the date, time and registration.