
SIA funding for international research collaboration

SIA (Dutch research funding agency) has awarded funding to AUAS to build up international research on smart buildings in the coming 1.5 years. The funding is specifically intended for research in collaboration with U!REKA partners.
sia smart buildings mark

Smart Buildings for Climate Neutral Cities

Smart buildings enable energy savings, secure more renewable energy and help unlock energy flexibility which can also help alleviate grid congestion. Smart buildings also contribute to a healthy and productive environment for the occupants. Recent energy crisis, and climate ambitions coupled with the evolving policy landscape has put energy savings at the forefront of energy transition agenda. Moreover, rapid developments in AI offer promising new applications in the real estate sector.

This research area, therefore, plays a large role in European, national and regional R&I agendas. Therefore, there is a growing urgency to build knowledge, capacity, and networks within the smart buildings field to valorise the state of the art and take advantage of the emerging trends in the sector. Leveraging international networks and partners’ experience will not only help with a richer analysis, but also open future avenues of collaboration within the area. Universities of Applied Research play a key role in research on smart buildings, by 1) bringing together the many relevant disciplines: technical, economic and social 2) having a network across the market parties that play a key role in developing, implementing, and operating various solutions; 3) being able to use their campuses as use cases. 4) focusing on implementation. This grant allows AUAS to strengthen the research cooperation within the U!REKA alliance on this topic, in particular in developing joint research proposals.