
‘UAS role to boost climate-neutral and smart cities’

The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance submitted a bid to become a European University on 31 January, in the 2023 EUI round. UAS4EUROPE, the main network of European universities of applied sciences (UAS), recently interviewed Dr. Mona Roman from Metropolia UAS about the process and next steps for U!REKA.

At the end of January, U!REKA pressed send and submitted its bid to become a European University. Many colleagues from across our network, from Lisbond to Ghent, Amsterdam to Ostrava, Frankfurt to Edinburgh and Helsinki worked very hard to make this happen.

The submission was coordinated by Dr. Mona Roman, Innovation Director at U!REKA’s Helsinki-based partner, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. She reflects on the process and tremendous teamwork requried below:

‘The last six months have brought a common long-term direction and plan for U!REKA alliance, referred as U!REKA SHIFT that helps our alliance to make a substantial leap in terms of structural and strategic cooperation to become U!REKA European University Network. Our U!REKA SHIFT proposal was developed with some 600 people (students, staff and external stakeholders). The process itself has unified us together to shape sustainable, human, inclusive and future proof transition to Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities with a consortia of 30 partners (cities, regions, other universities, national and European associations and networks). A lot of work, but extremely meaningful work, a lot of learning and inspiring meetings, within our U!REKA universities and our stakeholders in the society’, says Mona.

In a separate interview with UAS4EUROPE, Dr. Roman discussed the origins and objectives of U!REKA SHIFT, as well as the experiences of the team during the EUI application process. She says that a successful bid could create substantial impact and contribute to the further development of the European Education and Research Areas while strengthening the role of universities “to act as facilitators to boost climate-neutral and smart cities”.

Stay tuned to and our social media channels for more information about U!REKA SHIFT in the weeks ahead.