
U!REKA Steering Committee meeting and the transition to SHIFT

The U!REKA Steering Committee met in Helsinki at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences on 12 October 2023 for an extended meeting with the CoCos (U!REKA coordinators) and student representatives.
ureka meeting group photo
High on the agenda was the transition to SHIFT,  and what this entails. The move towards a European University Alliance with its new organisational structure has important implications in terms of governance, coordination and the “next steps” required in order to achieve the tasks, deliverables and milestones as set out in the SHIFT proposal.

U!REKA SHIFT organisational structure.

The image below shows the network’s new structure:
Organisational structure of ureka shift.
Looking forward to January 2024, each individual partner is currently taking a closer look at the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, mapping on-going activities and gathering important feedback and proposals from local players.

U!REKA SHIFT Work Packages

The image below shows the Work Packages for U!REKA SHIFT:

Visual shift wps.
Once details of the new Work Package teams emerge, information will of course be posted here on the U!REKA website. In the meantime, if you have questions about the transition to SHIFT please contact your local U!REKA Coordinator .