Science communication in the spotlight at VSB-TUO

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U!REKA partners VSB-TUO and Edinburgh Napier University recently convened in the Czech Republic to exchange expertise on an important topic: how to effectively communication about scientific and research-related knowledge.

Sustainability as a strategic focus at IPL

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Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL), one of 7 U!REKA´s network members, takes an active role in the transmission of good practices in the field of sustainability, following a development model based on scientific and technological innovation, artistic creation and cooperation with society. The institution is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

Aftermovie: International Week at HOGENT

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The International Week at U!REKA’s Belgian partner HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which took place from 8-11 March, focused on different aspects of sustainability. Some 130 attendees from 10 different countries gathered in Ghent for the event, which you can relive in the aftermovie.

Students visit Amsterdam for Change Agents programme

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AUAS is hosting students from several European cities as part of the U!REKA Change Agents programmes. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) is hosting students from several European cities this week as part of the U!REKA Change Agents programme. A number of students from the Ukrainian Odessa National Economic University (ONEU) are also taking part.

Registration now open for U!REKA Connects

U!REKA Lets shift-poster.

U!REKA will organise its annual gathering from 30 May to 2 June in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA), this event will focus on the shift needed for a sustainable future, both within the U!REKA network and beyond.

U!REKA SHIFT aims to form a European University network

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The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) is happy to announce that it submitted its U!REKA SHIFT proposal to the European Universities Initiative (EUI) call 2023. The U!REKA SHIFT (Sustainable Human Inclusive Future-proof Transition) project will turn the U!REKA alliance, together with 24 associated partners, into the fully-fledged U!REKA European University Network, with a common vision of climate neutrality and beyond.

How can we shift from climate anxiety to climate action?

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Horizon Europe-funded climate neutrality project explores role of higher education in effecting change. U!REKA partners Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences are working closely with international partners to translate the European Commission’s ‘New European Bauhaus’ initiative into concrete sustainability actions.

‘UAS role to boost climate-neutral and smart cities’

The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance submitted a bid to become a European University on 31 January, in the 2023 EUI round. UAS4EUROPE, the main network of European universities of applied sciences (UAS), recently interviewed Dr. Mona Roman from Metropolia UAS about the process and next steps for U!REKA.

U!REKA Connects 2023: call for participants

Would you like to be part of the programme at our annual networking event in Amsterdam this Spring? From 30 May until 2 June 2023, the U!REKA Connects event will take place in Amsterdam. This is organized annually by U!REKA, the European alliance of universities of applied sciences. The call for participants is open now, until 3 March 2023. Join us!​

U!REKA debates: a virtual forum for reflection and exchange

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U!REKA Debates is an interdisciplinary study module designed to provide a virtual forum for reflection on relevant social, cultural and scientific issues. Multicultural teams share and develop 21st century skills, while addressing urgent topics such as inclusion and diversity.